Joyce E. English – Guestbook Entries
Regina Jones
So very sorry for your loss. Praying that God give you peace in your quiet moments and comfort to replace your grief. Caring thoughts are with you at this time of great sorrow. May fond memories of Joyce warm your heart and bring a smile to your face. Draw comfort in God’s loving provision of the resurrection, for Christ promised, “I Am the Resurrection and The Life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, Will Come To Life.” (John 11:25) And oh what wonderful assurance do we gain from God’s promise that soon death will be no more! “And he (God) will wipe out every tear from their eyes and Death Will Be No More, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain, be anymore…” (Revelation 21:4) May these promises from God give you hope and bring you peace. With deepest sympathy.
Sandy and Larry Proud
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort, and God Bless you and your family in this time of sorrow.
Kimberly Bryan-Liegey
Just a little message to let you know that you are in my thoughts. The boys and my family hung out quite a bit when we were young. Even though we have lost touch over the years, I have very fond memories. Please know that we are thinking of you all during this difficult time. Take care.
Love ya