Andrew Comitz, Jr. – Guestbook Entries
Dan and Linda Danko
Our greatest sympathy goes out to you in a time when words cannot take away the grief and sadness you must feel. We pray that you will receive some comfort in knowing that we are thinking of you. Memories will always be near and dear to your heart that were given to you by a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Peace and God’s comfort to your family in coping with your loss.
Marcella Kephart Ball
marty moyer
Hearing of your passing was a sad occasion. Andy glad that i got to know you as a brother comrade at post 313 in town and a good church friend. i will always rember you in church. you are a good man and that is the best anyman can ever ask for in this life. i will always rember the nice talks we had at the vfw and after church and at the american legion. so as a fellow sailor fair winds and following seas buddy. you will be missed.
John Grundusky
Aunt Rita and Barbie, my condolence. I’m sorry I wasn’t physically able to be there.
Cheryl “Punkin” Cowell
Barb, Mrs. Comitz, and the entire familiy. Sincere and deepest sympathy to all of you in your loss. Although I cannot be in Osceola Wednesday evening or Thursday morning…I WILL BE THINKING OF ALL OF YOU during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending love…hugs…and smiles (because Andy is up in heaven with SOME VERY GOOD COMPANY), Punkin